Thief Walk Through Complete With Loot Locations
Garret starts out in Auldale bridge Apartment, there is a dunk
laying passed out on the bed there no need to worry about him waking up. Take
your time and make sure you grab all the loot and put out the candles.
There are 2
candles to put out in this room
6g Cup =On
6g Knife =On Bed20g Pocket Watch =On couch
4g Saucer =On Coffee Table
2g Teacup =On Coffee Table
7g Perfume Bottle =In Cupboards
17g Coin Purse =In Cupboards
8g Flask =In Cupboards
5g Scissors =In Cupboards
4g Pen =On Desk
10g Pocket Portrait =Next To Chair
15g Candlestick =On Fireplace Mantle
12 Total
Now that you have collected all the loot leave the apartment
via the window to left, it will take you across a beam over the street and into
the next house
Auldale Bridge Attic
There is no loot
laying around here so just make your way over to the portrait. There are lots
of birds in cages so you need to make sure to move slowly. If you move to quick
you will cause the birds to squawk alerting anyone who is nearby.
Once you reach the portrait you will have to find the switch
behind it to reveal the safe.
Unlock the safe and you will find your first Collectable = Glittering Plumage
One thing to remember about using lock picks is that if you
miss a lock it will make noise causing anyone close by to be alerted to your
presence. In this room you don't have to worry about that but later in the game
keep that in mind.
Now make your way out the window to the left of the
Auldale Bridge Thieves Highway
Collect the Rope arrow which
is in the small chest and use it to shoot the beam above you to the left. Then
climb up and jump onto the roof.
Cut Scene
There is no loot in this next part so just worry about
keeping up with Erin.
Auldale Back Alley
Now the game tells you about using the shadows to hide your
presence. This will help you as you progress in the game. Putting out candles,
turning of lights and such.
Also you are going to want to test your mechanics of peeking
around a corner
3g Scissors =After going through the gate go
straight and its sitting on the ground in between 2 barrels
7g Coin Purse =Before reaching the main street its in a
pile of leaves
2 Total
Auldale Main Street
7g Coin Purse =By sack across the street
2g Cup =Turn around after
collecting coin purse its sitting on the ground by the wagon
2g Cup =On Barrel next to
3 Total
After collecting loot head up the ladder, Cut scene, now
crouch under the pipe and jump down. Go across the beam and bash down the
Crouch under another pipe then jump into the window.
Auldale Voyeur Apartment
Candles to put out in this apartment
(First Area)
3g Scissors =Cupboard
8g Bracelet =End table under candles
(In second room through locked door)
11g Coin purse =In end table24g Telescope =On desk
3g Inkwell =On desk
2g Cup =In Large Chest
6g Ring =In Large Chest
Document - Voyeur's Diary (On desk)
8 Total
Auldale Drop Location
14g Ring =Button
on the left of the grandfather clock will reveal safe
50g Necklace =Button
on the left of the grandfather clock will reveal safe2g Cup =In Cupboard
3 Total
Be careful of the bird on the table. After collecting the
loot head upstairs.
Cut scene
Northcrest Manor Courtyard
(Be sure you remain undetected and move through the shadows)
Head to the right and dash across the pathway using x into
the shadows
3g Wineglass =Right by the bench where you dashed
1 Total
Jump over the partition and loot the guard standing in the
Northcrest Manor fountain court
Go through the arch and jump over the banister
Walk slowly across the water, go to quickly and it will make
noise alerting the guards.
2 1g coins =On the ground right behind the guard
on the bride across the water
3g Wineglass =After crossing water its at the feet of
the statue
3g Ashtray =On stairs
3 Water arrows pouch =Dash across light and open the
small chest
4 Total
Use the water arrow to put out the torch over the water. Once
its out move slowly across the water and up the stairs
Cut scene
Take down the guard and unlock the door
Northcrest Manor Right Wing Entry
10g chess peice =On the ground in the
2 1g Coins =On the left side of the gate
3 Total
Hug the left wall after coming in the door and pick up the
glass bottle. Throw it behind the guard to distract him. After he is distracted
dash into the unlit area to the right.
After grabbing the coins dash back over to the right side of
the gate and jump up onto the crate allowing you to get on top of the gateway
Northcrest Manor Right Wing Courtyard
Candle to put out here.
Jump down as far right as you can after the guard patrolling
walks away and dash behind the other guard looting him for 7g coin purse. Then
dash into the shadows grabbing the 2 water arrows pouch
sitting on the banister.
Use one of the arrows to put of the fire in the center then
dash out and grab the ashtray on the crate quickly hiding back in the shadows
Then get back onto the gateway arch and walk over to the
other side of the courtyard. After the patrolling guard walks away jump down
and quickly put out the candle. Then open the chest and grab the loot. Be sure
to close the chest or it will alert the guard. Then hide behind wagon and wait
for the guard to walk away again. Looting him when he turns his back to you for
a 5g coin purse
3g Ashtray =Crate in the middle of the courtyard
20g Pile of Coins =Large chest5g Pile of coins =Large chest
3 Total
After getting the loot and looting the guards use the ladder
by the patrolling guard and climb up onto the archway. Turn to the right and
climb the rope in front of you.
Cut scene
Steal Erin's claw
Cut scene
(End of prologue)
nicely written!